Special Studies
Flow Assurance
You can not produce which you can not bring to your facility. We help you there. Be it steady state or transient analysis, we can help your facility run smoothly. Hydrodynamic or terrain induced slugging, hydrate formation check, start-up / shutdown scenario or pigging behaviour, we have done it in the past.
Flow assurance softwares are complex tools that cost big. For sufficiently big and serious flow assurance tasks, feel free to contact us for the most optimum solution.

Relief System Design
This would be the only start-up in this part of the World that has been involved in analysing and sizing of more than 4000 PSVs since its inception.
We know criticality of this component in plant design and operation. Be it relief scenario identification or relief rate estimation to PSV stability check, we have it covered.

Flare Adequacy Check
What use is relief system if it can not be carried away safely.
In one project, FEED agency had analysed only 2 scenarios in a superficial manner. We studied more than 60 scenarios covering every corner of the plant to ensure flare system does not hinder flow of relief.
Segregation of flare headers, types of flare tips and radiation performance is all there in references. With ASPEN Flare System Analyser, this is a complete offering.

AIV / FIV analysis
Conventional wisdom fails when Mach number exceeds 0.7 in flare header. Secondary choking in PSV flanges is just wished away.
Alas, operating plant does not have that luxury. For us AIV / FIV study is not merely LOF calculation. We go beyond analysing piping arrangement.
Thanks to licensed AFT xStream tool, we can analyse these events in both steady state and transient analysis.

Plant Adequacy Check
Being a start-up, brown-field project process engineering support is the maximum demanded service from us.
And this invariably starts with adequacy check. For us adequacy check is not merely comparing nameplate capacity with expected capacity. An exchanger adequacy check that does not involve run in simulation mode or pump adequacy check without pump curve is futile in our opinion.
If you want more than report for adequacy check, you now know whom to contact.

Water Network Analysis
General consensus is that network analysis is all about building the network model in software. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
This static view fails at the first instance of validation including ours. We painstakingly picked up pieces where we know how critical importance water chemistry, exchanger design has on entire network.
With right tools like AFT impulse for network modelling, HYSYS simulation and EDR for exchanger design coupled with our own innovations, we have explored this than most.

Surge Analysis
There is more to surge analysis than Joukowsky equation or merely building scenario.
It is about understanding system, fluid characteristics, pipe material, before model building can even start. Cryogenic fluid would be one of the the most challenging fluids. Piping with intermediate elevation or long piping is another complicating parameter.
Our project list is testament to our understanding of the matter. Licensed AFT Impulse is one of the best tools in the industry and we have explored in great detail.